Showing posts with label Woman Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Woman Health. Show all posts

Exercises safe for pregnant women and maintain fitness

You may feel that your body is going through a real test only because of your pregnancy. However, the diligent practice of light exercise will help you later. Introduce you to our article on the right kinds of exercise you and your child.Why do doctors recommend exercising during pregnancy?Of exercise during pregnancy are many benefits; they increase the cohesion and strength of your muscles and your ability to cope. If you are accustomed to maintain in shape, they easily adapt to pregnancy compared with those who do not have good physical fitness. Help you exercise on a regular basis:

_Carry extra weight gain during pregnancy.
_Prepare your body for the challenge that awaits him during labor and delivery
_Restoration of fitness more easily after the birth of your child.

What are the most sports that for me?

 Exercise in pregnancy is the ideal that activate your heart, and maintains the suppleness of the body without causing pressure on you or your child. No problem in the practice of many activities such as jogging and carrying weights at first, but may have to modify your system athlete with the pregnancy progresses. 
Prefer to avoid sports that may put you at risk of slipping or falling, like riding a bike or a horse and skiing. However, many women mathematics professionals can continue to compete during their pregnancy. 
The following sports safe for pregnant women and recommended by specialists in the field of health. However, some may not be right for you in the last few months of pregnancy. To preserve your safety, check with your doctor before starting any of them.


Walking keeps you fit without hurting your knees or ankles. If you exercise brisk walking, you're Work out your heart. Walking is a safe sport for the duration of your pregnancy and you can practice every day.Jogging or running: 

 Jogging is the fastest and most effective way to train the body and the heart. So, you can add them to your daily routine. You can simply ran for 15 minutes when they fail to do this the longest duration, and then for a period of 30 minutes the next day when they have enough time.If you do not exercise jogging or jogging never before, now is not the time to begin with. It is advisable to choose calisthenics lighter than that, such as walking or swimming.


Swim of the best types of exercise that you can exercise during pregnancy and most secure. They Train a large group of muscles (arms and legs), according to your heart and lungs. The larger the size of your stomach as a result of pregnancy, enjoyed more lightness and a sense of weightlessness in the water.If you prefer group activities, Join the ranks of a water sport. The exercise in the water does not hurt the joints and supports your belly. It also helps to relieve swelling of the feet, which is a common symptom in the last stage of pregnancy.

Yoga and stretching exercises:

 Help yoga and flexibility exercises to maintain the strength and cohesion of the muscles and maintain the suppleness with a very light pressure on the joints compared to other types of intense exercise. But add to the yoga system, which practiced a few minutes of walking several times a week to train our heart. The expansion will complete the walk, which is practiced in yoga sessions exercises.

 Stretching exercises help to increase the suppleness which will be more easily because they will increase the suppleness by the hormone relaxin. Relaxin makes strong tissues that connect your bones (ligaments) more flexible. However, do not exercise flexibility exercises at length to overdo it or work on your flexibility. Think of your body dilate pressure on yourself instead. Yoga teacher will show you how to relax the body and mind.

 Make sure that the yoga teacher to be an expert to advise pregnant women. Preferably choose yoga classes specially designed for pregnant women. If not available in your area, Read with us about the different yoga styles to find what suits them.


Pilates exercises based on a set of stomach muscles and pelvic muscles which are called "base" or "nucleus pivot" bottom movements.

Pilates teacher will guide you to the appropriate position and teaches you how you hold your body. And it will take a series of postures and movements that are designed to build strength. You will teach you how to parallel between breathing and exercise, and how to achieve relaxation. You may find useful exercise Pilates during and after pregnancy. They are targeting the muscles that may weaken during pregnancy a way that eases pressure on it instead of pushing them. 

This may help you learn exercises that (applies to yoga, too) to relax and breathe during labor when it comes the time of birth.

Weight bearing: 

If training on light weights routine part of sports, there is no reason to stop it, although you will have to avoid carrying heavy weights now after becoming pregnant. If you have taken the necessary precautions, it can be light weights sport useful and excellent way to strengthen your muscles. Avoid rehearsed so badly are not exposed to excessive heat, and gradually Eased from strength exercises with the pregnancy progresses.

Light aerobics exercises:

  We are guaranteed access to an array of aerobics regular exercise schedule. If you are logged in a dedicated row for pregnant women, you'll enjoy new friendships with pregnant women like you and rest assured that every movement you have done is safe for you and your child.


 You can exercise your heart through dance to the beat of your favorite tunes in your house with all the comfort and intimacy. But do not take you called enthusiasm! Avoid movements that require a jump, or jump, or spin and turn around, or sudden changes in trends. If I joined the class a special dance for pregnant women, you will get your chance to enjoy music and to maintain in shape and get to know other people.